Week 4 Part 2

One website I visit often is Free People . It is a women's clothing retail store, and even if I do not intend on buying anything, I check it almost daily for any new styles, trends, blog posts etc. Obviously I go on the website because I already know that I like their products, but the site itself attracts me and keeps me interested. The brand has a very specific aesthetic, with color coordination, high quality photos, and interesting posts that grab my attention. The website is incredibly easy to navigate, and when searching for items of clothing you can narrow them down by style, color, size etc. I can read the reviews of the product, see what size the model is wearing, rate past purchases, and easily get into contact with a real person if I have any questions. Free People has a unique aesthetic that may not be everyone's cup of tea, but it is definitely mine, and their site continues to keep me loyal to their brand.

I think one thing Free People could do differently on their site, is maybe promote their blog a little more, and have articles on people more than just the products. I know they are a business and are trying to sell their products, but I think they could have more interesting articles and things to read. I also wish they were a little more diverse. Most of their models are traditional models, with not a lot of diversity and its clear the target audience and customers are skinny white girls in their 20s. It would be nice if they branded themselves as more inclusive. Even though I fit their customer demographic, I would feel more comfortable supporting a company that promotes people of all backgrounds and looks.

Another website I frequent is https://brokemillennial.com/ . It is set up similarly to a lot of blogs/corporate sites. It is easy to navigate, has a very solid color scheme, a horizontal menu at the top of the page, and all social links below. I think that this site has a lot of great information that is very easy to find, and the layout and design of the site is appealing and simple, which I look for in a website. I would personally just change the color scheme a bit I think and maybe spice up the look a bit. I do like simplicity, but sometimes sites can look a little too plain and can be a bit boring. You want the user's attention to be grabbed when they initially go on your site, so having more interesting things can be important to keep people on your website. It's all about balance.


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