Week 8 Part 1

I currently use Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube as my three main sources of networking, although Twitter is really more for personal use.


link - https://www.instagram.com/angelinanicollle/

Instagram is essentially what started my business. I made an account when I was 14 and began using it for personal use. When I was 16, I started posting recipes and food related content on my Instagram, which quickly helped me gain followers. It was right around the time that veganism took off, so many people were interested in my own personal journey with being vegan. I would share recipes and workouts, my own thoughts and photos. I began to gain a following. I then decided to have two accounts - one that was just for my food content, and the other for my own personal use. Since then I have yo-yo'd around with having two accounts and then just having one and back again, but now I have one main account, where I post basically everything.

Followers: 24k

I am pretty inconsistent with posting. Sometime months I will post once or twice a day; other months I will only post once a week. I do post on my Instagram story usually daily, and quite often, though that can sometimes be inconsistent as well. I honestly think if I were more consistent in all aspects of social media, that I would be more successful. But I am working on that. One step at a time.


link - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1UUuDZF99xpZ00XH7urjEA?view_as=subscriber

I started my YouTube channel when I was 16, and started posting solely vegan videos. Recipe videos and vlogs. People became interested in other aspects of my life, and I wanted to share more than just what I ate, so I started posting travel videos and other topics. It is now my full-time job.

Subscribers: 179k

I try to upload at least once a week, but like Instagram, I am all over the place. People like consistency on social media, or else they get bored and will move on to the next thing.

I use the insights and analytics a lot, but at the end of the day, I still just post what I want. I want to be authentic on all my platforms, since my business is also me.

I don't use hashtags, but I do look at other people and businesses on a similar playing field as me to get tips and inspiration.


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